I've come a long way since I started catscosmos.yolasite.com.  I have seen and learned things that I'm having a difficult time putting into words.  I've done so much research, on a number of subjects, all because of something I see in the clouds, or a rock I've picked up.  It's difficult to explain but I'm going to give it a shot...
I've added many pics since I started, so please check them out if you haven't already.  With great difficulty, I'm realizing that many people have absolutely no idea what I'm trying to show or tell.  I can't tell you how frustrating this is for me.  I've found my toughest critics to be those who are learned (ie: college grads) and those who are churched.  People DO NOT want to hear anything outside of the "box" they've become so comfortably uncomfortable in.  People I know well, whom I've always found to be open-minded and have had some great discussions with, completely freak on me when hearing some of the things I have to say.  I've actually been yelled at... I believe these reactions come from fear.  Fear of finding we may have been wrong about some fundamental beliefs; especially where faith in God or a certain religion are concerned, and rightly so.   Fear of change; if we acknowledge we may have been wrong, a change would be in order, possibly a BIG CHANGE; I pray, a GLOBAL CHANGE.
We have become so stressed out just getting through an average day that no one wants to hear about change.  And others simply like things the way they are.  These people I really don't get; and I'm sorry to say that I feel these people are spiritually dead, or at the very least numb, as they are happy working the daily grind for that new designer purse, or so that they can drive that nice car, live in a bigger house.  And why, I ask, seriously... why?  Sadly, I believe they want others to see them as successful.  It's all about "keeping up with the Jones'."  Or nowadays it's more like "one-upping the Jones'."  We no longer judge people by their character, but by their clothing, cars, and other material possessions.
And then we judge others, who have little, for stealing.  Not that I advocate stealing, but who can blame them?  In today's world, there isn't enough to go around, is there?  Of course there is, but the way things work leaves many out of the player's circle; I dare say it leaves the majority out.  Most of which never even have a chance at the dice.
What does this have to do with clouds, the moon and aliens?  I'm going to share that with you, but I really hope you will research some things for yourselves.  I dare you... as I've told those who've yelled at me for sharing my thoughts "look it up for yourself; don't tell me I'm wrong when all you have to go by is what you've always known (which for the most part you've been told and accepted as fact).  You can't debate an issue if you only know one side to it.
I'll share a joke which I believe makes my point here:
    A young wife was preparing a roast dinner for her husband.  Before putting the roast in a pan, she cut the end off.  Her husband, watching, asked "why did you cut the end off of the roast?"  She replied, "that's the way my mom always did it."  The husband said "well, that seems like a waste of good meat."  So, the young wife called her mother and asked "Mom, why do you cut the end off a roast before cooking it?"  Her mother answered, "because that's the way Grandma did it."  So the young wife called her grandmother and asked "Grandma, why do you cut the end off of a roast before cooking it?"  Grandma answered "so it would fit in the pan."